February Teacher Profile: Sarah Kane, English

By Tim Dolan, Lookout Advisor

Ms. Sarah Kane is in her 11th year at BHS, she currently teaches AP Literature, English II High Honors, and English II College Prep, along with working in the Academic Achievement Center. Ms. Kane grew up in nearby Sudbury before attending Penn State for her undergraduate degree. She previously taught 7th and 8th grade English in Webster MA. The following is a lightly edited transcript of our interview:

The Lookout: What initially drew you to education?

Sarah Kane: I had really great teachers in high school. We had good relationships and they treated me like an adult when I wasn’t quite there yet. It helped me see the impact a good teacher can have.

Lookout: Did you ever consider another career? If you weren’t a teacher, what might you be doing?

Kane: I considered going to school to be a lawyer or photo journalist, so I could probably see myself in one of those careers.

Lookout: What is currently your favorite topic or subject to teach?

Kane: I love teaching poetry. Right now I’d say the work of Clint Smith and Ada Limon get me the most excited.

Lookout: As a teacher who has been here for 11 years, what advice would you give to a new teacher at BHS?

Kane: Maybe balance your workload, and don’t obsess over the small stuff. Teaching is one of those jobs where it is inevitable that you take some work home, just don’t take too much home, or do so every day. The pile of grading will almost always be there, and you will be better off personally a professionally once you find some balance. 

Lookout: Speaking of balance, what are some ways that you like to spend your free time?

Kane: I look cooking, especially baking my own sourdough bread, and I’ve recently got back into art, especially painting.

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