Interview with Shreyes Shivappa, Senior Class President

By Becca Sachs, 2025

Lookout staff member and advertising coordinator Becca Sachs recently checked in with Senior Class President Shreyes Shivappa to discuss his role, successes, and goals for the coming year. A transcript of their interview follows:

Becca Sachs: How do you balance your responsibilities as class president with academics and other commitments?

Shreyes Shivappa: I’m very lucky that I have a great support system, but I have also learned to prioritize what’s important and manage my time around that. I love every activity I do and it’s important to me that I put in my best effort in each of them, so I try to just put my head down and work hard, with the help of everyone around me. 

Sachs: What’s been the most fun or memorable part of being class president?

Shivappa: I loved planning our Junior Prom last year, working with all of the Class Officers and spending time developing fundraisers. It really meant a lot to me when it all came together and I was able to see people enjoy all of our hard work. 

Sachs: What’s your favorite high school memory?

Shivappa: I have quite a few good memories, but one that sticks out to me is our Junior Prom, where I could hang out with my friends and classmates, and really see them have fun. It was a great bonding experience and a time to just relax with people I love. 

Sachs: What’s your favorite memory as president of class of 25?

Shivappa: I have to say it’s when I was elected during Sophomore year, when Mrs. Galante announced all of our names at the end of the day. I remember being in Señora Taub’s classroom and having everyone in our grade in the nearby rooms all flood in, and we were able to celebrate for a quick moment together. 

Sachs: What are you currently working on as class president?

Shivappa: Our biggest goal right now is preparing for Senior events, like Powerpuff and Prom. We’re really hoping everyone has a good time and can make lasting memories as our high school careers come to an end.  

Sachs: What projects or changes do you hope to see completed by the end of your term?

Shivappa: One of my dreams has always been to restore the unused courtyard and make it a learning space for other students. I hope that some of us can come together and at least spruce up some of the area, maybe even as a class gift. I would also love to see more students learning about the different advocacy roles and groups around the school, so they can really take charge of their community and environment. 

Sachs: What advice would you give to future students who want to get involved in leadership roles?

Shivappa: What I have learned is that you really just have to get involved when you are in high school. If there is an activity or club you’re interested in, go for it! If you want to be a leader, you don’t have to have a title or a big organization. A real leader is just someone who listens. I love every one of my classmates, and my sincere hope is that we stay in touch as our journey goes on. I would love to learn about each and every one of them, all of their beliefs and dreams, so I think that’s just really important to become a leader. 

Sachs: Who has been your biggest inspiration or mentor in your leadership journey?

Shivappa: I have been influenced by so many people in my life, and I truly believe every person you meet has an impact on you. My parents are definitely people I look up to, and they have taught me so much about responsibility, respect, and integrity. I love them so much, and credit all of my success to them, and also every person who has supported me. All my peers, teachers, and friends have been so important in my development and I hope to make each of them proud.

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